Hans Leijtens, directorul executiv al Agenției Frontex, în vizită oficială în România
- Știri
- 2 decembrie 2024
La sediul Asociatiei Oamenilor de Afaceri din Romania –TIAD, a avut loc vineri, 3 iunie 2016, ceremonia de inchidere a Scolii Internationale de Vara “Geopolitica” – ediţia a XI-a, 2016. Desfăşurată sub auspiciile Ambasadei Republicii Turcia în România, editia din acest an, s-a bucurat de prezenta mai multor personalitati din domeniile Geopolitica, Geostrategie, Geoeconomie si
Citește mai multIn perioada 30 mai – 3 iunie, la sediul TIAD se desfasoara Scoala internationala de vara „Geopolitica”, Editia a XI-a, cu tema: IMPLICATIILE CONFLICTELOR DIN ORIENTUL MIJLOCIU SI ALE FENOMENULUI MIGRATIONIST ASUPRA TURCIEI, organizata de catre Asociatia de Geopolitica „Ion Conea”. sub auspiciile Ambasadei Republicii Turcia la Bucuresti, in parteneriat cu Facultatea de Relatii Economice
Citește mai multIn organizarea Camerei de Comert si Industrie a Romaniei si a Ambasadei Republicii Macedonia la Bucuresti, s-a organizat vineri, 13 mai 2016, Seminarul de Afaceri „Romania – Macedonia” Sala „Ninel Chiriacescu” din cadrul CCIR Business Center a gazduit o interesanta manifestare la care au participat, alaturi de oficialii Macedoneni si un numar important de oameni
Citește mai multDiscriminarea Imigranţilor în Domeniul Drepturilor Civile Conferinţa de închidere proiect. Joi, 21 aprilie, 2016, la Sala Albastră a Institutului Naţional de Statistică, Bucureşti, a avut loc retrospectiva proiectului Discriminarea Imigranţilor în Domeniul Drepturilor Civile (DIM). DIM a inclus o serie de acţiuni menite să promoveze drepturile omului şi să combată efectele discriminării şi ale intoleranţei
Citește mai multThe spring edition of International Wine Fair ”GoodWine”, organized between 15th and 17th of April 2016 in Bucharest – Romexpo, hosted a special stand of Macedonian Embassy. The visitors could see and taste a variety of traditional macedonian wines from the Bovin, Lozar, Pirgan si Popova Kula wine cellars. Macedonia has rich wine tradition. Numerous
Citește mai multEditia de primăvară a Targului International de vinuri „GoodWine”, organizat între 15 și 17 aprilie 2016, în București la complexul Romexpo, a avut un stand special al Ambasadei Republicii Macedonia. Vizitatorii au avut posibilitatea de a vedea și de a degusta gusta o varietate de vinuri tradiționale macedonene din cramele Bovin, Lozar, Pirgan si Popova
Citește mai multSâmbata, 9 aprilie 2016, Stone Club din Bucureşti a fost gazda unui eveniment de excepţie, organizat de Geopolitica Grup România şi Ambasada statului Muntenegru. Manifestarea a fost organizată cu prilejul împlinirii a 10 ani de la recunoaşterea referendumului pentru independenţă şi a invitaţiei de aderare la NATO a acestui statului Muntenegru, situat în Balcanii de
Citește mai multTunisians head to the polls on Sunday amid fears that voters have lost confidence in the country’s quest for democracy. Tunis – Vocal Tunisian activist and political blogger Emir Sfaxi fears that his compatriots are losing steam in the country’s quest to build a vibrant democracy, which began when a popular uprising ousted former President
Citește mai multBarack Obama meets with generals from 22 countries as Isil fighters advance in western Iraq. The US military admitted last night that Isil „has tactical momentum on several fronts” as jihadist forces continued to make advances in both Syria and Iraq. American warplanes dramatically escalated strikes against Isil fighters laying siege to the Syrian town
Citește mai multUS-led forces have continued air strikes against Islamic State (IS) militants near the besieged Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobane. A senior local official said IS had been pushed back towards the edge of the town as a result of the strikes and advances by the town’s defenders. Earlier reports said the militants had controlled
Citește mai multTurkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s call yesterday for a ground offensive to prevent the Syrian border town of Kobane falling under the control of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) shows the limitations of the West’s reliance on air power to defeat a determined and resilient Islamist foe. While US warplanes have
Citește mai multAs Islamic State jihadists continue to make gains in the key Syrian border town, Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan call for a ‘ground operation’ to slow their advance ane as the key Syrian border town looks set to fall under the control of the Islamic State and of Iraq and the Levant (Isil). The town
Citește mai multSyria has not expressly consented to US military strikes against Islamic State on its territory, and justifying the operation on the basis of implied consent is controversial On 26 September, the House of Commons voted 524 to 43 to support military action against Islamic State (Isis) in Iraq. Although the government’s motion did not extend
Citește mai multIslamic State militants have released a video depicting the murder of British aid convoy volunteer Alan Henning, three weeks after warning that he would be the next to die. Henning is the fourth western hostage to have been killed by the group, following the filmed beheadings of US journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, and
Citește mai multHeavy fighting has been reported between Kurdish militiamen and Islamic State (IS) militants advancing on the northern Syrian town of Kobane. A BBC correspondent across the border in Turkey saw explosions and smoke rising from buildings hit by shells. The jihadists have moved to within a few kilometres of the Kurdish town on three sides
Citește mai multUS-led forces have carried out air strikes on Islamic State (IS) militants battling Kurdish fighters around the northern Syrian border town of Kobane. A BBC correspondent saw explosions outside the town in the morning. At least 10 people were killed overnight, Syrian activists said, as the jihadists moved to within 2 to 3km (1.2-1.9 miles)
Citește mai multCyprus has launched a rescue mission for 300 people, thought to be Syrian refugees, stranded off the island’s west coast. Most of the people on the small fishing boat are believed to be women and children. They were spotted 55 nautical miles (100km) south of the resort town of Paphos. Helicopters are at the scene.
Citește mai multThe US-led coalition against Islamic States (IS) has targeted oil refineries in Syria during a third night of air strikes against the militants. The raids – carried out by US, Saudi and UAE aircraft – killed 14 IS fighters and five civilians in eastern Syria, activists said. The US military said the refineries generated as
Citește mai multDamascus, SANA – Ministry of Foreign and Expatriates Affairs said “After Syria’s confirmations on many occasions that it is ready to cooperate in combating terrorism in the framework of the full respect of its national sovereignty, and after many countries agreed on the necessity of respecting the UN Charter which affirms respecting the countries’ sovereignty
Citește mai multDavid Cameron is once again to ask British MPs to support him in airstrikes in the Middle East. Parliament is expected to be recalled on Friday to debate the possibility of military action against ISIL. David Cameron, who is attending the UN General Assembly in New York, said the fight against the Islamist terrorist organisation
Citește mai multUS ground forces could be deployed against Islamic State (IS) militants if the current US-led strategy fails, top US General Martin Dempsey has said. President Barack Obama has repeatedly said that US ground troops would not have a combat mission in Iraq under the strategy outlined last week. The US earlier carried out its first
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