
The MacedonianEmbassy stand at the International Wine Fair ”GoodWine” – Bucharest (Romexpo)

The spring edition of International Wine Fair ”GoodWine”, organized between 15th and 17th of April 2016 in Bucharest – Romexpo, hosted a special stand of Macedonian Embassy. The visitors could see and taste a variety of traditional macedonian wines from the Bovin, Lozar, Pirgan si Popova Kula wine cellars. Macedonia has rich wine tradition. Numerous

macedonian_wineThe spring edition of International Wine Fair ”GoodWine”, organized between 15th and 17th of April 2016 in Bucharest – Romexpo, hosted a special stand of Macedonian Embassy. The visitors could see and taste a variety of traditional macedonian wines from the Bovin, Lozar, Pirgan si Popova Kula wine cellars.
Macedonia has rich wine tradition. Numerous archeological findings, the oldestones dating 13 century b.c., have proven the affinity to wards growing grapes and producing wine as one of the most important in Macedonian history.
During the time of Philip II and Alexander the Great members of the Macedonian royal family were known as strong consumers of Macedonian wine.
This tradition continued during the Roman Empire where Macedonia was one of the most important regions for growing grapes in the Empire.
Also, the significance of the wine was continued at the time of the introduction and the rise of Christianity where as wine was part of almos tall Orthodox Church ceremonies.
History confirms that the wine was important during the rein of Czar Samuil, in the middle age sand during theTurkish rule in Macedonia.vas_lut
At the begining of the 20th century there were number of noble families that were producing grape and wine. At that time King Alexandar Karadjordjevic decided to plant vine yards and to build a winery in Demir Kapija, Macedonia.
After the second world war, with the introduction of the socialism the barrels and the equipment for production of wine owned by the different families, small producers of wine, were nationalized.
During the socialism 13 large wineries were created in the Republic of Macedonia, few of them starting its operations with the nationalized barrels and equipment from different families. On the other side there were more than 30.000 families that owned small vineyards. They were selling the grape to the 13 large wineries.
vas_metalThat was an interesting situation where as everithing else is state owned and embeded in the socialistic economy while the grape growing industry is privatly owned and very vibrant. That resulted in a development of nice healthy vine yards that produced highest quality grapes.
At the end of the 20th century after the seapartion of Republic of Macedonia from Yugoslavia the privatisation proces of the old wineries started. While on the begining of the 21st century number of investors invested in small new wineries all around the country.


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